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Beauty tips for men: 5 ways to look irresistible

5 beauty tips for men
Beauty tips for Men
It is all a myth that men don’t bother about their looks and appeal. Times have truly changed and nowadays men are at par with the opposite sex when it comes to grooming themselves. From grooming their skin to using hair creams, the modern metro-sexual man is doing everything to look better and be more appealing. Yes, a man also feels the need to be appealing, not only to his romantic interest but also in a job interview or a social gathering. So, here we come, with a handful of handy beauty tips for men. Follow them, all you men, and you’ll sure feel way more confident about yourself.

Get rid of dry hair
Shampooing every day and or using a dryer regularly may lead to dry hair which may eventually result in hair loss. Therefore, avoid using shampoo daily. Instead, use shampoo only for three to 4 days a week. Use a conditioner each time when shampoo your hair. Also, keep your hair moistened with almond oil.

Scale off dead skin cells from face
This is a beauty tip that all men should follow. Removing dead skin cells from your face is crucial because they might cause bacterial infection. Use a gentle but granulated face scrub once a week to help smoothen the skin and eliminate dead cells . Scrubbing also clears your skin pores and helps you get rid of the dirt that accumulates therein.

Be careful while trimming and shaving
If you are a person who shaves daily then it is very important for you to use quality products from reliable brands. Don’t use the same razor blade if you want to avoid bacterial infection. Use a skin conditioner before shaving. This way, you will avoid nicks and cuts.

Brush your teeth after every meal
Some studies have found one third of men brush their teeth once a day. Brush your teeth as regularly as possible using a high quality, fluoride toothpaste with whiteners.

Take care of growing body hair
Hair below the neck is a cause of serious concern for many. So, looking for a solution to this isn’t only following a beauty tip for men. If you have back hair and it bothers you, a  body groomer can be your solution. You can also consult a doctor for laser treatments.

Get your hands manicured
Our hands show the first signs of ageing since we accomplish most of the work with our hands. Get your hands professionally manicured at least once a month which includes trimming nails. It also  keeps the skin of your hands hydrated and smooth.
Beauty tips for men: 5 ways to look irresistible Reviewed by 1SNEWS on March 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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